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The College has a well-equipped Digitalized library with E-Resources and reading-room facilities. In fact, Tangla College Library is one of the richest libraries of the Udalguri District. Books are lent to the students on production of Borrowers’ Card to the Library Authorities. Every student is expected to avail the library facilities for their academic and personality development. Internet facilities are available for teachers and students. The Central Library has introduced the “Best Library User Award” for students from the session 2016-17.

Library Rule
Students have to maintain the following rules strictly –
* Students shall not make any noise or talk while in the reading-room.
* Students should carefully examine the books issued to them before leaving the Library counter. If any damage or mutilation in the book issued to him/her is noticed, it should be reported to the Librarian. The borrower will be responsible for loss or damage of any book borrowed from the College Library.
* Books must be returned within 15 days of the date of issue. A fine of Rs. 1.00 per day will be levied if a borrower does not return the book on due date.
* All books should be returned before filling up the forms of Final Examinations.
Library Hours
The Library remains open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on all working days of the week.
Services & Facilities
Our college has already registered itself with the N List Programme through which it can access over 6000+ eJournals and 135000+ eBooks. Apart from these, to expand the horizon of e resource in our college an e-resource centre has been opened in association with Bibliotech Smart Library in the library building itself from this current year. This centre is entirely digital. The services includes providing millions of online e-Resources like Academic Journals, e-Journals, eBooks, Magazines, News Papers, Reports, Reviews, Biographies, Primary Source Documents, Non-Print Resources, Trade Publications, Pamphlets, Government Documents, Dissertations etc from reputed for undergraduates/ postgraduates to researchers.
Book Bank for Poor Students
Tangla College Library has a Book Bank Facility for the benefit of the poor students. Poor students can borrow all the required books after obtaining a valid Book-Bank Card.