- Google Book Search (page images of 2,000,000+ fully readable public domain books, plus many more copyrighted books available via excerpts and snippets)
- Advanced Book Search (may be easier to find specific free titles via this page)
- HathiTrust (2,000,000+ freely readable titles, and additional search-only titles, from Google and elsewhere)
- Internet Archive Ebooks and Texts (6,000,000+ freely readable volumes; page images and some transcriptions)
- Project Gutenberg (over 50,000 items, mostly book transcriptions)
- University of Michigan Digital General Collection (page images from 28,000+ books scanned for preservation purposes)
- ABU: La BibliothèqueUniverselle: Textesproduits et diffusés par les membresbénévoles de l’Association des Bibliophiles Universels.
- American Academy of Arts & Sciences Research Papers and Monographs
- Baen Free Library: Fantasy novels published by Baen, in the public domain.
- Canadian Electronic Library Archive (CELA): “Monographs from Canadian publishers”. Storage location for all public documents in the Canadian Electronic Library available to the public without charge.
- ClassicBookshelf.com: Public domain e-texts. Java applet interface. Functions the best using Chrome or Firefox.
- Core Historical Literature of Agriculture (CHLA): Agricultural texts published between the early nineteenth century and the middle to late twentieth century. Full-text materials cover agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, crops and their protection, food science,forestry, human nutrition, rural sociology, and soil science.
- Digital Book Index: DBI is the digital descendent of Burt Franklin Publishers. DBI indexes mostly open-access, full-text scholarly records from publishing organizations, including college and university digital archives, university presses, commercial publishers, and independent sites.
- Early Canadiana Online: Digital library providing access to of Canada’s printed heritage. Some free, some restricted access.
- European Library: “… a portal which offers access to the combined resources (books, magazines, journals…. – both digital and non-digital) of the 45 national libraries of Europe. It offers free searching and delivers digital objects – some free, some priced..”
- Europeana: Cultural heritage site from the Europeana Foundation and European cultural institutions. Includes images, texts, sound and video.
- Free e-books: “Specializes in collecting free fiction, tutorial, marketing and business eBooks.”
- Gallica: De la Bibliothèquenationale de France. Comprend des images et des ouvragesrelatifs à l’utopie, des textes par les auteurs de référence de la littératurefrançaise, le manuscrit du Temps retrouvé (Proust), les premiers enregistrementsacoustiques, etc.
- Google Book Search: Search entire text of public domain books, snippets from library books still under copyright, and sample pages from books submitted by publishers. In beta (2007-08-13). Most books are from the Google Print Publisher Program and Google Books Library Project.”
- The Great Books: “A compilation of over 240 great authors and their works” from the Access Foundation.
- Gutenberg Canada: A.k.a. “Project Gutenberg Canada”. View free electronic copy of books “in the Canadian public domain”.
- Internet Archive: Text Archive
- Manybooks.net: Manybooks.net provides access to free public domain and Creative Commons licenced ebooks from Project Gutenburg and other sources. The ebooks are available in a variety of formats.
- Mobile Access via Digital-Scholar.org : The mobile version of Digital Book Index–for smartphones and tablets–for scholarly research and reference publications. Lists only resources free on the web and includes non-book resources such as tutorials, digital textbooks, etc.
- National Academies Press (NAP): The NAP was created by the National Academies to publish the reports issued by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council. The NAP, provides free (open access) access to over 3,000 publications dating back to 1977 on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health. Books may be eitherbrowsed by category, or searched using NAP’s Discover Engine.
- NELLCO Legal Scholarship Repository: Working papers, reports, lecture series, workshop presentations, and other scholarship created by faculty at NELLCO (New England Law Library Consortium) member schools.
- OECD iLibrary: All OECD publications (1998-present).
- On-line Books Page: English only but a related page points to other Foreign Languages e-book lists.
- Online Texts: Links maintained by the Internet Public Library.
- Open Library: Free web access to “important book collections from around the world”, created by the Internet Library as assembled by allied institutions.
- Project Gutenberg: The original e-book source.
- Project Gutenberg via OverDrive: Public domain titles available via McGill OverDrive. They never expire and don’t count against your library checkout limit!
- Searchebooks: Search engine searches both e-books and the text within them.
- Textbook Revolution: “TBR’s mission is to drive the adoption of free textbooks by teachers and professors. … Our approach is to bring all of the free textbooks we can find together in one place, review them, and let the best rise to the top …”
- Universal Digital Library: Beginning with digitization of 1 million books in 2006-2007, this project “to capture all books in digital format” continues at 50 scanning centers worldwide—all languages, all subjects, 1500-present.
- University of California Press Scholarship Editions: Nearly 400 of over 1400 online titles, through a partnership with the University of California Press and the California Digital Library’s eScholarship program, are available to the general public.
- ATHENA (multilingual text index in Switzerland)
- Digital Book Index (free and for-pay books online; registration-based)